About Me

My journey to a Counselling Psychologist was relatively straightforward. Helping people was something I was passionate about and the mental health industry was a natural fit. I provide counselling professionally and also teach and supervise counsellors and counselling students. Before I knew it, 15 years had passed. Being a visual learner, chat therapy was something I grasped instinctively. Many therapist have bemoaned the lack for visual cues in text therapy but that is something that did not hold me back in assisting my clients.

I invested in crypto currency during the late 2020’s right as Bitcoin was about to go on it’s previous parabolic rise. As a noob investor who did not have any edge, I started by following a famous Telegram signal group. As my portfolio doubled from month to month, I started pouring more real cash into crypto. As Nov 2021 rolled around, many predicted a BTC top at 75k. Greed got a hold of me. I planned to sell out when Btc reached 70k. I figured it was safe since my signal group leader sounded so confident that the top was not yet in. As we all know, the rest is history. 70k never arrived. Btc topped out at 68K and began it’s descent to where we are now. I held my portfolio, the majority in small cap alt coins, losing more than 90% of my portfolio value.

You might have been in the same situation as me. Or you’re trading futures, praying you don’t get liquidated. Or you’re a small cap degen. Or you research the next binance shit-cap, hoping for 10x. Whatever your position in crypto is, I know from experience that it’s stressful. You can get to the bottom of this stress. Yoda from Star Wars once said “Named must your fear be before banish it you can.” Similarly, the first step to dealing with your stress is understanding it. Give text therapy a try. Your first session with me is FREE! Decide for yourself whether reducing your stress helps you trade better.